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Xenon is pleased to announce deployment of its totally redesigned and highly successful flagship Atom DAS. Designed for reliable EPA and local AQMD emissions regulatory compliance, the Atom utilizes non-proprietary components and is fully scalable to accommodate most CEMS I/O requirements. The intuitive HMI is uniquely programmed to allow end-users to make configuration changes onsite, making future CEMS upgrades a snap.

As usual, Xenon’s team of highly qualified engineers are available to assist customers in any way help is needed, from stand alone DAS specification, through complete DAS implementation in fully integrated CEMS shelters. But why stop there, our experienced field specialists are ready and able to also help with commissioning, certification and on-going maintenance of our customer’s CEMS installations.

Download brochure of Xenon SB5 Data Acquisition System


Xenon is pleased to announce development of a compact version of its highly acclaimed  liqui recovery system.  The mini-LRS is designed for applications with limited effluent requiring an atmospheric sample drain and recovery.  Applications include individual analyzer systems, compressor lube oil drains, boiler condensation recovery systems, etc., suitable applications are virtually limitless.

The Xenon mini-LRS benefits from the same design concepts as the larger versions that have reliably serviced industry since 2009.  Design includes ASME certified recovery vessels, SOVs/ AOVs, health monitoring instrumentation, and PLC control with optional remote HMI.

By utilizing nitrogen or other suitable motive gas to return sample to process, the Xenon mini-LRS eliminates reliability concerns and cost associated with maintaining mechanical pumps, increasing availability of your critical equipment.